As I was stumbling around...
#185: only pain, no gain
The pain. It was only for the first couple of days though, and then they receded and would only pulsated now and then, especially when I turned the ankle a different way than usual. The bulge is still there now but doesn't hurt anymore, so that's good!
#186: working in tandem
It's really hard to move around when you couldn't put pressure down on the other leg. You are not conscious how many times you relied on it and would do it as a second nature You only miss what is not there anymore, not when it's still around. Now that I could almost return back to normal, I will be glad of my working appendages even more!
#187: out in the wild
Didn't feel like going out as much even before this, now even more with a limping gait. At least they could see the bulge and would be understanding of my predicament. I always have long strides before and being forced to walk ever so slowly was totally bumming me out. Glad to be able to return to it now, although not without any complication. My left knee would hurt sometimes, probably because of me putting extra pressure on it before.
Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)
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