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... and look around...

 CYOA 001a1 [pen-to-paper] <idea> the Branch [imgur]

Table of Contents:
001a1 - You are here.

Disclaimer: This particular branch starts from the 'a' stalk from the 001 root. So hopefully that clear things up.

So... I leave it all to you! How do you see the story progresses? To those who see this post anyway, and those actually interested enough to post a continuation to the story, please post your suggestion in the prepared space below.

If you're out and about though, please wear a mask and have physical distancing (you can still be social) while we're still in this epidemic all over the world. Please be responsible and care for each other!

~ SO001a1a

Let's get the blood flowing a bit at least...

I lift the overcoat carefully off the hanger, searching through it while pacing slightly around the rather spacious room. Patting it up and down with my left hand while holding it up with the right, I am looking for any indication of the wallet anywhere, a distinct bulge that would be all too familiar to my digits. Thinking about it now, why isn't it in the usual place, anyway? My hands actually patted the back right pocket as soon as I get off the bed, instinctively checking there first. Something feels coarse on my fingers, possibly sea salt. Hm... maybe it's during the arduous journey yesterday, forcing me to move it to a safer place? Is it before or after I got splashed onboard? As I mention before, my mind is a bit hazy so is this recollection of events even correct? As my deducing process begins to spiraling out of control, I find the elusive bulge finally, right in the front left pocket of my coat. Huh, that's weird. I guess one of the aforementioned event did happened yesterday. Anyway, let's pull it out and see what's inside... Hey, I sound just like that fancy radio presenter!

"Here we have our detective's own wallet! What can we found inside? Let's take a look! Before we open it, do you see the wetness on the fingers? The leather is still a bit damp, which would be a decisive clue to our intrepid deductionist. Opening it up... we can see his identification still intact on the right despite a slight watermark. Lucky guy! There on the left you can see the letter in question, also magically with almost no stain on it. What sorcery is this? He carefully pull out the letter... and oh look, what's this? There's a note scribbled across the top of the folded letter, telling him to not open it and just go down for breakfast. How about that? A new plot develops! Who actually wrote down this note? Is it him or another person? The handwriting seems familiar to him, but does he actually know the author? Should he heed this new warning or should he proceed with the original plan? Which one would you choose, dear boy?"

~ SO001a1b

Really don't want to get out of the bed just yet, so let me just roll over closer to that side of the bed. Cushioning my body with a pillow, I have only my hands pass over the boundaries of the bed frame, just far enough to reach the nightstand. Pinching the shiny knob, I pull out the drawer slowly to reveal the content... which is nothing. Zero. Nada. Well, there's another one below it so why not, just to be sure, right? 

Feeling a little bit of a resistance from the second lower drawer, I unconsciously pull it slower than before. What greets me back is an actual gun. A Colt Revolver, to be precise. I stare at it unblinking for a couple of moments, just flabbergasted on this chance find. There's so many questions that come flooding my mind, and none of them are good. As I run through all the possibilities, my eyes catch the clock on the wall and it is time for breakfast. I can't think clearly first thing in morning and having a grumbling empty stomach certainly doesn't help. Should I take the gun or should I leave it as it is? It's a make or break decision, dear boy...


Here they are the current four branches! Would I go through the trouble and extend them to eight? That would take even longer than a week, but we'll see...


Just as I've said before, this process is the most difficult yet! It took way too long for each eight (yes, eight!) branch that I couldn't focus on anything else throughout the week. I finished writing for the weekdays despite the constant writer's block. It was daunting too see the blank space for the then eight unwritten parts, but slowly but surely I chipped at it bit by bit until the notepad was fully filled to my satisfaction. The weekend spent sketching, drawing and colouring in visual accompaniments. Now to put them in their respective columns here... Well, I hope to see you for the next chapters!

Thank you for your time and please do come back for more. Assalamualaikum and good bye! :-)

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