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... and get ready...

 CYOA 001a2 [pen-to-paper] <idea> the Branch [imgur]

Table of Contents:
001a2 - You are here.

Disclaimer: This particular branch starts from the 'a' stalk from the 001 root. So hopefully that clear things up.

So... I leave it all to you! How do you see the story progresses? To those who see this post anyway, and those actually interested enough to post a continuation to the story, please post your suggestion in the prepared space below.

If you're out and about though, please wear a mask and have physical distancing (you can still be social) while we're still in this epidemic all over the world. Please be responsible and care for each other!

~ SO001a2a

* Sniff, sniff *

Ehh, I smell fine. Well, fine enough. I hope the others won't be bothered by it. I don't. If they did, they should just mind their own business. Just to be safe, I should keep my distance as much as I could. Let's wash up a little to try to keep up appearance to those who've seen me last night... It's still hard to recollect any event at all, and I hope when I do see one, their face should be paired with their name in my mind at the ready. Here's hoping! After using the sink in the bathroom to give myself a good wet jolt and the mirror to check for any sleep under the eyes, I finally step out of the room into the corridor, right at the same time with a tenant from the opposite room to mine.

Oof, the test to challenge my choice comes a bit too soon to my liking. I accidentally lock eyes with the lady in front of me, sending my mind into overdrive. Wanting to give a good first impression, I should choose my words carefully, or maybe I shouldn't at all. Should I take my chances and start a small talk with this apparent stranger since no name comes up or should I be courteous and just give a a polite nod and go on our merry way? Time is running out, dear boy...

~ SO001a2b

* Sniff, sniff *

Okay, okay, let's start the day on the right foot, or at least a clean one. Quickly shade my clothes at the front of the door, I step in on the strangely warm tiles, carefully turning the hot and cold faucets together to get the temperatures of the water just right to my liking and take another step right under the comforting stream. In this small yet wide bathroom, I take my time to appreciate this little pleasures in life that I would always look forward to everyday, whether to start my day or end the night. It's not as roomy as the bedroom per say but I'm just amazed how much rooms this manor could contain. It doesn't appear massive from the outside, but when I step in through that door, it's like I'm stepping into another dimension. I don't know why, that's just what came to mind yesterday. Hey, I actually remember something from yesterday! Sooner or later, I will get the whole picture. 

That's just one piece of the puzzle and I don't know how big it is yet. Speaking of which, there's this job I'm actually here for that is still a mystery to me. I was just instructed to come to this manor and be a patron like everybody else. That's the gist of it, I think. I need to take a look at that letter again. Well, this shower help me in more ways than one! A quick soap and scrub later, I am squeaky clean. Is it enough to perfect first impression or should I go all the way and replace my wardrobe as well? Still wrapped in towel, I pull out my suitcase from under the bed and open it up. No lock necessary, I do not bring any valuable at all. Any clue of my actual occupation is in my wallet so that's the only thing that I should keep close at all times. It's in... my coat, right? Anyway, let's get back into the task at hand. To change, or not to change, that is the question. Pick one, dear boy...


Here they are the current four branches! Would I go through the trouble and extend them to eight? That would take even longer than a week, but we'll see...


Just as I've said before, this process is the most difficult yet! It took way too long for each eight (yes, eight!) branch that I couldn't focus on anything else throughout the week. I finished writing for the weekdays despite the constant writer's block. It was daunting too see the blank space for the then eight unwritten parts, but slowly but surely I chipped at it bit by bit until the notepad was fully filled to my satisfaction. The weekend spent sketching, drawing and colouring in visual accompaniments. Now to put them in their respective columns here... Well, I hope to see you for the next chapters!

Thank you for your time and please do come back for more. Assalamualaikum and good bye! :-)

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