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You should know who you really are.

obligatory journal 137
New Year's Resolution
weekly update #63 (115)
Hm... now I'm thinking of own appearance. I started to care now.
#1 more regular Al-Quran reciting
With the same pace, I was just done with Surah Taha and now moving onto Surah Anbiya'. Ouch, just once. Ooh, just another one as well.
#2 weekly adequate exercises
Well, I started jogging again, once in the morning with the daily basketball in the afternoon and another just yesterday after the rain. All those shooting hoops really does help in me not getting too winded comparatively.
#3 more regularized Funko POP designs
From twenty to eighteen and now back up to twenty two... and now twenty three!!! Ooh, almost there... twenty five is quite the achievement for me. Okay, now I'm done! THIRTY, BABY!!! I want to stop but I guess I can't... even four less is so much already. From twenty six to to twenty six. I'm just happy being able to take a breather once in awhile. Well, I'm back to it, baby!
#4 pray full for the whole year
#5 giving back to the community
#6 going out of my comfort zone
From five to six to seven to.. eleven! That was unprecedented... and now it was down to eight but that's okay. I might need to resort to actually colour some of them in soon... now it's only three?! Ouch! Wait, is it only one? That can't be! Okay, okay. It is five, two better than before. Another two added to the tally! Wow, another two! Okay, slowed down a little with seven but with three coloured included, I'm happy as a clam! One less but half-half is still good in my book!
I hope with my attempt to keep myself accountable, this would motivate you to do same!
Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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