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Movie Review 045 Sausage Party

Sausage Party (Rated R!)
[081216] 70%

"What if food were sentient and then had an eureka realization that their main purpose of existing was to die horrifically by being sacrificed to their once creators?" 

That's the main storyline behind this wacky premise, serving as a bait to hook the general public to watch the movie while the R-rated treatment serves the more mature audiences, yet the raunchy and juvenile humors littered through it would entertain the kid in you, or rather his over the top and sexualized wet dreams came true.

Being picked by the humans to go to 'the Great Beyond' is basically the grocery's true purpose in life since they were led to believe so, and outside of the store was where they could get together, sexually. A lot of sexual euphemisms being used on food from the start until the end of the movie and while it played with the premise to the fullest, it is understandable if some of the viewers would be turned off by the constant tone they were going for. At the other end of the spectrum was the unmistakable allegories to religion based on the journey the food were going through that's commendable on their part to even try to tackle with actually more hits than misses.

If they couldn't get on board with it from the get go, the infamous third act would absolutely be horrifying for them while delighting others who was along for the ride, seeing the journey the main characters on ending on a wild crazy note that is best to be seen yourself rather than being described to you which would do them a disservice.

Unabashedly basing the concept almost entirely on the immensely popular Toy Story franchise, with their happy illusion of a perfect life and a promised heaven being broken to pieces when a survivor came back from the 'afterlife' to reveal the long con and how they deal and cope with that revelation.

As the premise of toys having their own feelings and behaviors triggered us to view our own toys in a different way, seeing the perspective from all the food being consumed by us would provide you with more nightmarish imagery considering if they all have the same feelings as us, reacting appropriately to giant monstrosities eating their kinds nonchalantly.

Peeling back from the dry and slapstick tone and if watched more attentively, you can see that the huge amount of food portrayed on the screen was actually being used to have a social commentary on how current society thought of each other in today's climate, being obscured by the toilet humor and offensive scenarios just to make it palatable enough to be represented and consumed as entertainment.

- Synopsis -
A sausage strives to discover the truth about his existence.
82%/ 57% - 6.7/10 - official - wiki -

(Budget $19 Millions = Box Office $120.4>> Millions [US], Duration 1hr 29mn, Rating R, Genre Animation, Adventure, Comedy, Food, Mature)

+ Highlights +
the opening musical number by Alan Menken of Beauty and the Beast fame, the unique anthropomorphized food concept, making you think how the food would think on how you treat them in everyday life, every character is a stereotype of a person or religion or race with a strong allegory to religion, the most literal main villain to date and the truest to his name, horrifying deaths for all the produce, be ready for the entire third act going full in with the premise, the typical true love being consummated exactly how you think they would, the in-joke teasing of what's to come in the sequel

- Lowlights -
the Toy Story journey for the anthropomorphized food, every character is a stereotype of a person or religion or race, the uneven pace with the middle act slowed down too much almost to a halt, coming up short in trying to tackle such heavy materials, be ready for the entire third act going full in with the premise, the typical true love being consummated exactly how you think they would, the reported abuse of the animation group behind the movie

Source: Andre 'Black Nerd'Collider

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