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gif of the day 001 Jessie Graff

gif of the day n001
Jessie Graff at the Emmys

Jessie Graff, doing an actual impromptu backflip when jokingly asked for at the Emmys.
A stunt double and actress mostly known from the recent American Ninja Warriors' record-setting run in the obstacle course.
By wearing 'Ninja Skort' under the dress for maximum mobilization and utilizing her superior athleticism.
Trying to make a statement by showcasing her own particular abilities on one of the grandest stage on television or just trying to have some fun through all the restrictive rules and false manufactured modesty.
She put her name in the spotlight since there isn't a lot of platforms for her to flaunt her talents.
Is this an over analyze on her? Yes. Is this an extraordinary feat to see on the red carpet? Yes.

Lesson Learned:
"Sometimes it pays to have fun."

source: inquisitr

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