Natural Airborne Liquid Waves!
obligatory journal 455
Today I Learned #008 Visual Droplets Avoidance |
October 16th, 2022
It occured to me when I was heading out for the Friday prayer, hearing the droplets starting to rain down on the roof just as I was heading out.
While I couldn't see them coming out uniformly just yet, I actually see them coming down from the other end of the road, forming me to turn around as I was being chased by them.
Surprisingly, I didn't get hit by any more of them when I went the opposite way, then confirming my suspision by looking up to see the dark clouds are only covering a certain part of the sky.
If I could keep to the side of the land that still has clear sky above, I thought I could keep myself from being soaked with rain... and I did, for the most part.
This is not a foolproof plan but when you're in a pickle and had to move forward despite seeing the dark clouds in the horizon, try to keep this in mind. I used to just barrel down the road despite being hit hard by the rain, not caring at all with the aftereffects.
Why suffer through the wet and cold if you could avoid it, right?
Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)
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