Kathleen Kennedy Shot Lord and Miller First, a Family Friend Comes to the Rescue
Movie News: Directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller Fired from Han Solo
a Second Solo Film of Star Wars Anthology
Han Solo
"Creative Differences"
Official statement:
"Creative Differences"
Behind the Scenes Report:
? Main contention ?
The directorial duo's improv-heavy approach when directing (heavily apparent in 21 Jump Street franchise) clashed with Lucasfilm's more rigid and safe storytelling style,
the script written by Lawrence Kasdan of Episode V and VI fame would be less malleable to on-the-spot impromptu dialogue changes and scenes since it's written according to the original screenwriter,
by bringing a trusted family friend into the fold in Ron Howard to handle the reshoots, it would be interesting to see how much of Lord and Miller's original scenes would be kept and how much would be totally reshot by him ... Gareth Edwards, the director of Rogue One actually played ball when his movie would be extensively reshot as well by another director, Tony Gilroy, to a positive result.

- Negative -
Their approach tend to lean more towards comedy instead of sarcastic commentary that's viewed to be straying too far from the original portrayal by Harrison Ford in the original trilogy as well as Episode VII ... reportedly delivering his lines like a comedian instead of with dryness and worn down attitude,
with just over three weeks left, they are terminated from their position because of their insistence to keep to their original vision and would not allow it to be tempered ... they were ready to edit the whole movie with the scenes already shot but when put them together in order of sequence, the overall tone appeared to be too inconsistent courtesy of the improvised nature of them and when the producer and screenwriter wanted to keep to the original script, the directors stuck to their guns and wanted to keep as much of that particular scenes as possible hence the forceful termination,
+ Positive +
"Creative Differences"
Behind the Scenes Report:
? Main contention ?
The directorial duo's improv-heavy approach when directing (heavily apparent in 21 Jump Street franchise) clashed with Lucasfilm's more rigid and safe storytelling style,
the script written by Lawrence Kasdan of Episode V and VI fame would be less malleable to on-the-spot impromptu dialogue changes and scenes since it's written according to the original screenwriter,
by bringing a trusted family friend into the fold in Ron Howard to handle the reshoots, it would be interesting to see how much of Lord and Miller's original scenes would be kept and how much would be totally reshot by him ... Gareth Edwards, the director of Rogue One actually played ball when his movie would be extensively reshot as well by another director, Tony Gilroy, to a positive result.

- Negative -
with just over three weeks left, they are terminated from their position because of their insistence to keep to their original vision and would not allow it to be tempered ... they were ready to edit the whole movie with the scenes already shot but when put them together in order of sequence, the overall tone appeared to be too inconsistent courtesy of the improvised nature of them and when the producer and screenwriter wanted to keep to the original script, the directors stuck to their guns and wanted to keep as much of that particular scenes as possible hence the forceful termination,
this is the second time an Anthology film ran into problem when the principal photography was basically done and while Rogue One was the case of the director embracing the reshoot, Han Solo would be the director doing the opposite and it's still up in the air whether or not it would yield a cohesive and strong product,
this particular incident could be viewed as adding something new and different to the established universe proved to be too stark in the end or Lucasfilm is just afraid to change up their tried and true formula with innovative approach and unique perspective on the characters ... although playing with fan-favourite characters such as the revered Han Solo and Lando Calrissian is entirely differently than starting from scratch for Rogue One.
Alden Ehrenreich as Han Solo, Donald Glover as Lando Calrissian, Woody Harrelson as Beckett, Emilia Clarke, Thandie Newton, Phoebe Waller-Bridge ...
- Synopsis -
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