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topic of the day 006 do not judge without proper knowledge

Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?
from imgur
A tumbler post reposted on imgur on a really taboo subject, dividing the mass between the uninformed but vocal detractors and the ones who are actually affected by the decisions influenced by the former with the tragic emotional distress and inevitable health deficiencies that could turn lethal.
a number of people in the United States specifically could relate to a picture of a procedure forced upon the medical practice across the country for the sake of 'political correctness' instead of the more safely done procedure before, giving it such a bad name that people who had to pursue this method out of necessity are being frowned upon and do not receive the necessary support that it would lead to their untimely death.
Putting aside our religions and faiths, the current culture of sex and the unprotected nature of most of the interactions resulted in pregnancy that are mostly unwanted hence the unfortunate but necessary early abortion. On the other side of the spectrum, couples or individuals that have unforeseen complications with their unborn fetuses forcing their hands to do the unthinkable, yet they're lambasted for even thinking of it and being refused of the much needed help which in turns not letting the devastated expecting parents to have a proper grievance process and ultimately costing the life of the child bearer herself.
It is understandable to have a principle or stance on a subject that is taboo in most religions but greatly debated in the mass media and while it is certainly honorable to firmly support that every life in the world whether fully alive and breathing on their own or still in their infancy and have to depend on their mothers to keep alive, you have to be reasonable and realistic on what you're expecting from the ones who're making the decision to have an abortion.
If you've read the first hand experience posted in the images here, you should at least know some of them were making that decision not by choice but by necessity. Surely pregnancy out of wedlock commonly occurred among those in their youths mostly are mistakes or because they were rape victims and for them, having a child that early could alter a person's life forever. For the more complicated manner of pregnancy complications that could affect both the child and the bearer, today's current advanced technology could let the parents know how their child would turn out as early as possible and if he or she would suffer for the rest of their tragic life, would it be viewed as an act of sympathy for the parents to end the life before any suffering is felt? 
Ending a potential life before it's even birthed into the world could fairly be seen as prematurely killing off your own offspring that he or she cannot even do anything with as his or her life is taken away just like that but please consider this every time abortion is being brought up around you: metaphorically could you live with yourself knowing that your own child now is suffering because of a birth defect or your own inability to raise him or her properly and knowing that you could've preemptively ended it before it even started at the start of the pregnancy?

Lesson Learned:
"Inhumane act in and of itself but realistically it's more than meet the eyes."

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