TIL Sieve Saves Seasoned Starches.
obligatory journal 360
Today I Learned #001 Sieved Flour | February 01st, 2022
I wanted to do something new.
I've learned quite a bit, mostly the hard way, about the life around me.
It's too little to shout it out on the roof but too big to need to be at least highlighted in my own blog.
Hence; this.
I never, ever learned how to bake. Looking back, I only saw my mother made pizzas and that green sweets.
I still haven't learned what that is...
Ever since her passing, all the flours in the cupboard hadn't been touched for years...
... Until a couple of months ago.
I tried by Googling anything that I had to know about baking, and failing so many times...
... But the once a blue moon occurrences when they did, oh I was so giddy every time!
Those flours still worked well actually despite their age. Some started to smell but still worked well, I think.
Oh, back to the topic at hand, I actually learned a bit too late into the process that sieving these old flours actually worked wonders on them!
They got lumpy a bit when left alone for a long time so making them gone through the sieve would help them getting back into their original smaller grain forms.
Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)
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