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Faith in Humanity Gone...

obligatory journal 322
Dear Diary #042 | July 30th, 2021

I didn't know that happened.

My shoes got stolen!

I used to hang up my pair that I used for the day on the gate to air them out until the next day.

Sometimes only a pair, sometimes more than three even filling up the whole side row there.

I'd been doing this months now and never had a problem... until last week.

There was a pair that showed up a couple of week ago all dirty and roughed up one day out of nowhere... It was a pair that I didn't notice missing in the first place so that made me want to treasure it more.

It was weird certainly but I thought it was a one-time thing, until it happened again!

It was the pair that I bought specifically for jogging, and only noticed it not being there when I wanted to go jog again for the first time in awhile... it's still missing though, so that sucks.

I had a dozen of pairs at the side there that are free for the taking... why did you have to take that specific ones?!

Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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