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Am I...? | Journal

obligatory journal 488
Dear Diary #112 | June 11th, 2023

... I think I am having a fever currently...

... but I can't be sure...

Possible first symptom: sore throat.
Still troubling ever since I woke up this morning... even after three Hacks lozenges.

Possible second symptom: not sweating at all.
Even after wearing thick sweater since last night, I still haven't sweat at all, despite the fan was turned down low and the weather is especially sunny today. I even walked to the nearest convenience store at the front to and fro!

Possible third symptom: slightly elevated body temperature.
It was minute, but I could feel it, with the body started to have that chilling sensation across my back.

Possible fourth symptom: rising pulsating headache.
It just started to make itself known just as I started to write this entry.

It's not as worst as the last one as far as I could remember, so I guess I'll just swallow a Panadol or two and ride it out...

- - -
Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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