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Refreshing soak.

obligatory journal 094
I didn't know there was a nearby beach I could go to here and it was in Sungai Burong, which I thought was in Sekinchan at first. When my basketball buddies wanted to have a swim out of nowhere, I guess why not and went with them anyway. Turned out I had a lot of fun for almost two hours with them, playing around while letting ourselves get soaked with the refreshing sea water. A little detour certainly helped here.
As I've mentioned before, selfies are never my thing but the occasion called for it and I took my chance. With the blaring sun at the back, I finally got a good picture of myself for once. Quite proud of my shoulders there, I'm not ashamed to say. I'm always a bit self-conscious of the unevenness of my eyes but they look good here. 
Well, that's all folks! Thank you for your time and please do come back for my future posts! :-)

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